Sunday, September 21, 2008

Reflection - Drawing Workshop

I found this workshop quite interesting and learnt some good skills. The skills I learnt about the composition of drawings on a page and layout are very important and will definitely be applied in later years. The drawing workshop has also taught me to be very patient and accurate with my drawings especially when you are working with felt tip pen. I really found the perspective more interesting and enjoyable than the 2D drawings, where I felt like I was labouring over the plans and sections, I think there was more freedom in the 3D drawings and that these conveyed more information about the architectural space. I hope that i can apply these skills later.

Family House - Mario Botta

For my house I chose Mario Botta’s house in Riva San Vitale Switzerland. This house is a very tall building; it is five stories high and sits on the side of a mountain, overlooking a lake and more mountains.
For my plans, elevations and section, I decided that it would be best if I drew all five floor plans up the page as to indicate the layers of the levels. I also decided to draw both the north and south elevations to show the distinct cut out sections of the building, as well as the unique landscape and truss bridge. For the section I decided to position it beneath the south elevation because it works better that way, the viewer is able to contrast between the exterior and interior of the building. I fell that five plans and the two elevations work better than if I were to just do a couple as it tells the viewer more about the building.
For my perspective drawing I decided to focus on the unique truss bridge that extends from the building to the mountainside. I drew this image as a one point perspective with the vanishing point at the centre of the bridge, so it looked as if you were standing on the bridge staring down to the house. I positioned the truss in the centre of the page and extended the lines beyond the page to make it look as if you were already standing on the bridge. The vanishing effect draws the viewer’s eye into the page and makes them more interested in the building.
Overall I am happy with my drawings but if were to do them again I think I would spread my plans out more because they felt a bit crammed on the page, I could do this by using a larger sheet of paper, also I think would add some trees to the landscape of the elevations and section. I would also like to spend some more time on the perspective drawing, because I felt like it wasn’t finished and there could of been more rendering that I could of done to it to make it more effective.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Drawing Workshop

These are my two in class exercises for the drawing workshop. The tea cups are from a measuring exercise, and are in plan, section and elevation views. I rendered them to create some depth. the other drawing is of my selected house, Riva San Vitale by Mario Botta, this house has been drawn into a pre existing background in a two point perspective view.